If you have come to this section, you are probably searching for guidance, searching for a solution, and searching for hope. You might be wondering if anything will actually make a difference, if change is really possible, and if someone will understand what you are going through.
When people first begin individual therapy, they are often unsure what therapy will be like, what they should talk about, and if it can actually make a difference. Often they are in my office because they have tried everything else, friends and family members have offered advice, which they have followed and found more discouraging then helpful, and there seems to be no change and no relief. There is a growing sense of sadness, frustration and disconnection.
Most of my clients have found change, solutions, and hope through the therapy process. Often their lives were so busy and things came at them so quickly, they didn’t have the time or space to slow down, reflect, and process the feelings they were unaware of. Also, they learned to recognize the negative patterns in their life and where they came from. So often, when people can identify what is keeping them trapped, they are able to discover solutions, and make different decisions. They are able to change and live better.
If you are ready to begin your journey towards change, towards living better, take the first step and call or email Lesley Thompson to set up your free 15 minutes phone consultation. There we can discuss what is bringing you in, what your goals are, and you can ask any questions you may have, and we can see if it is a good fit.

Click Here For Anxiety Counseling
Click Here For Depression Therapy
Click Here For Trauma Counseling

Common Difficulties That Bring People Into Individual Therapy
Anxiety - Depression - Anger Management - Grief/Loss - Self esteem - Shame Stress - Trauma/PTSD - Identity - Spirituality - Sexuality - Relationship Difficulties
Sports/Academic/Career Performance